
Friday 11 August 2017

We went to the zoo

Yesterday morning we lined up with room 11,12 and 6 to go to the bus to The Auckland Zoo. When we arrived we went to see some animals.
We went to the zoo to look at the  wild animals.At the zoo we saw a kea and the kea was feeding the other kea. The other kea was finding food at the waterfall.
The  was the location was where Kirsty was explaining to us how they were fed so Kirsty said that when the kea is eating the king one is the only one that gets fed from the other kea and when the king is getting fed they put mouth to the other mouth the king puts it mouth inside the other keas mouth and the kea put it mouth on top of the king's mouth and that is how they are fed We stayed there like 3 minutes minutes and talked about it and looked at it.It was actually cool there because we get to learn about the kea we we kept learning about till we are going. We were looking at how they were fed and they look for some food to feed the king we had a lot of fun but now we had to go.

Then when we were about to go when we were a taking a photo with a big elephant and it was really fun and then we were going to line up to go the bus and we had a lot of fun. when we were all at class my class took a break and then it was time and we all went home feeling happy.`


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